


Female Pattern Baldness is a particular type of pattern baldness that occurs because of certain genetic factors. This type of female baldness is also called Androgenic Alopecia or Androgenetic Alopecia.
Although both male and female pattern baldness usually affects people of advanced ages, nowadays, pattern baldness, particularly female pattern baldness in the 20s has become increasingly common. Fortunately, there are effective male and female pattern baldness treatments

What is Female Pattern Baldness?

Female pattern baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia is hereditary in nature and occurs in women usually in their late 50s. In other words, female pattern baldness usually starts in women after they reach their menopause. Therefore scientists believe that certain hormones are primarily responsible for female pattern baldness. However, there may be a range of other factors that may cause female baldness. Since there are underlying medical conditions leading to female pattern baldness, one must consult a medical expert to seek opinion. Doctors might suggest a range of therapies and medications and it is important that we follow them closely to see the best results.

What does Female Pattern Baldness Look Like?

The main difference between male and female pattern baldness is that while the male pattern baldness follows an ‘M’ shape, in females, the baldness is more diffused in nature. It usually starts at the parting line of the hair and gradually affects the whole scalp.

The hair surrounding the parting line starts to fall off, followed by thinning of hair all over the scalp. Generally speaking, female pattern baldness follows a Christmas tree-like shape.

Doctors often use different classifications to describe this type of baldness. There are three stages in this type of female alopecia:

Stage 1 : The first stage starts with a simple loss of hair from the hair parting. You may not notice it even. A lot of women do not realize that they are suffering from female alopecia because the rate of hair loss is not severe. It starts with a gradual thinning of hair at the hair parting. Women often tend to think that this is just normal hair loss and try to hide it by certain hairstyling techniques that conceal the bald area.

Stage 2 : This stage is marked by greater volume of hair fall. However, the affected area still remains relatively small. There is a visible widening of the hair parting line, and this is the time at which women take notice of the situation. However, a delay in seeking medical help and the propensity to try out various baldness remedies for women, may jeopardize the process and make hair loss more aggressive. Soon, we enter the third and the final stage.

Stage 3 :In this stage the hair loss happens in a more diffused way throughout the scalp. We also come to see a thinning of hair from all parts of the scalp. Once a patient enters this stage, recovery takes longer and hair regrowth becomes even more difficult.


Hair loss, whether it is hair loss in men or hair loss in women, is a common biological problem all over the world, not just in India. The importance of hair in enhancing the overall personality of a human being cannot be overestimated.
Hair is the first thing that people notice about you. A great hairstyle can give you the personality boost you require in doing well in both personal and professional fronts.
Hair loss, on the other hand, can prove to be a real disadvantage for many people. Many young boys and girls start losing their hair early in life.

Taking care of hair is crucial to having long-lasting hair. However, to understand the importance of hair we need to understand the anatomy of hair so as to demystify the process of hair loss and hair fall.
To begin with, hair is not considered living cells. In fact, they are mostly composed of protein cells called Keratin. The hair has two components - the long shaft and the thicker root that forms part of the hair follicle.
The hair follicle is made up of living cells that help in the growth of hair. An average human has about 100,000 to 150,000 hair strands on the scalp. The human hair grows at a rate of 0.5 inches in a month.
Apart from the scalp, the human hair is found in all other parts of the body except lips, the palm of the hand and sole of the feet.
Human hair goes through various stages of development. First, the fetal hair (also known as lanugo hair) forms on the baby’s head inside the womb. It falls off after a few months.
This hair is replaced by downy hair, which is again replaced by mature or terminal hair, when a boy or a girl reaches puberty. This mature hair stays with human beings for the rest of their lives. This is the type of hair that is prone to damage and disease.

Despite the fact that hair loss is a universal phenomenon, India presents us with a unique set of challenges and problems, when it comes to hair loss. For instance, a couple of years ago, western countries used to dominate the hair transplant industry. However, countries like India and Turkey are emerging as the hotspots for all kinds of hair fall and hair loss treatments in the present times.

Stress Telogen effluvium : In this disease, long standing illness, dietary deficiency and physiological stress levels push hair follicles to a resting phase. No hair growth takes place during this period and the existing hair is more prone to hair fall during head wash and simply combing the hair. Trichotillomania : A psychological disease that can force stressed out people to pull out their own hair little by little during periods of excess stress. Victims can pull out strands of hair from eyebrows, scalp and other parts of the human body. This process can be dangerous and can even lead to injuries. This condition needs immediate medical attention not just for the hair but the wellbeing of the patient itself.

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